Thursday, April 27, 2006

Behind the scenes this URL passes through Commission Junction and inserts my affiliate ID into eBay’s system. That means that when a customer clicks on my link and registers, I receive the commission. This happens without the user even knowing. As far as the web surfer is concerned, he or she went straight to eBay Motors. It was now an eBay Affiliate through Commission Junction and I had the URL with my Affiliate ID in it.In about 5minutes I set up a Google AdWords Ad. (I’ll show you how to setup these ads later in Step #6 on p. 65)

For the Headline I wrote: Better than auto trader
For Description Line 1: Ebay Motors - register now for free
For Description Line 2: Buying or selling a car? It works.

In the Display URL field, I put: (use the URL of the site the customer is directed to when he or she clicks on the link). In the Destination URL field I put: 5463217?loc=http%3A//
Again, this is the link that Commission Junction provided me for eBay. Remember, this link takes the customer directly to the eBay website ( and provides CJ with my unique Affiliate ID. This ensures that I receive the commission.

Because there were no other Google ads, I bid the least amount which is 5 cents per click. As the only ad, I was placed in the number one Ad position for only 5 cents per click. In the beginning, I set my daily budget limit at $5. This allowed me to test the results fo r a couple of days without risking more than $10. If it turned out to be profitable, I would increase the daily budget limit to get as much traffic as p ossible.
This led me to words related to cars. I have sold several cars on eBay and have really liked how well it worked. The first time I tried to sell a car; I didn’t think I could do it, but it was easy, fast and inexpensive. I was hooked. I figured that other people would like it too. I had previously used the magazine Autotrader and its website to sell vehicles. So I did a search for the keyword: autotrader on Overtures Suggestion Tool as indicated below:

There were 650,115 searches for the keyword autotrader for Mar 2003.Next, I checked the Overture Maxbid Tool for the keyword autotrader:Wow, no bidded listings. That looked like good news!Then, I went to Google and searched for autotrader.There were no AdWords for the keyword autotrader. That was even better news!

I was able to determine that there were 650,115 searches for the keyword autotrader during the previous month; and no Overture Ads or Google AdWords for the keyword autotrader.
I concluded that this could be a profitable market. My next step was to become an affiliate of eBay. This was free and easy and took only 5 minutes. I went to eBay’s site and looked for information about their affiliate program. I found it easily. At the bottom of eBay’s home page I found their affiliate Program link. Upon following that link, I learned that eBay uses two different Affiliate Program Providers for their affiliate program - BeFree and Commission Junction.

At this point I was already a member of CJ. (You’ll see in Step #1, p.32 how easy it is to become a member without cost).I next logged into my CJ account and clicked on get Links there, I found m from the list of advertisers. Before I could get the links I was prompted to join eBay’s affiliate program. I clicked on join Program A pop up window automatically told me that I was accepted for the program. Ebay automatically accepts all publishers (CJ calls their affiliates, Publishers and their merchants, Advertisers). I also got an email from eBay welcoming me to their Affiliate Program.

Google AdWords

You place small text ads for specific keywords. You determine how much you are willing to pay per click through. The more you pay, the higher up on the screen of results your ad is displayed. With all things equal, if several competitors are willing to pay 35 cents a click and you are only willing to pay 5 cents a click, then you will be at the bottom. Fortunately, few advertisers do thorough keyword research. This means, that you can usually find many keywords that still have few or no bids.

The CPC is not the only factor that determines your ad’s rank. The rank is also based on a proprietary formula that weighs Cost Per Click against Click Through Rate. So a lower bidder could potentially get a higher position, if they had a better ad that received a higher CTR. Google uses this system so that the most relevant results are the most prominently displayed.

I next asked myself, That are other keywords that people would search for relating to eBay, besides just the keyword ebay?.

According to Overture
The keyword: ebay was searched for: 8,080,961 times during March 2003 on Overture’s and their partner’s search engines. There are rumors on the Net that Overture slightly inflates its numbers because Overture wants advertisers to bid on their search terms. Even if that number is not 100 percent accurate, it is probably a good estimate as to the number of times a particular keyword is searched for on all search engines.

Next I used Overture’s Maxbid Tool to see how much money advertisers are willing to pay, per click, through their ad for the keyword: ebay. There were many ads, with the top three putting in a bid of 37, 37 and 36 cents per click.

With prices as high as 37 cents a click, I concluded that the keyword ebay had too much competition to be profitable. The next step confirmed this. I went to and typed in the keyword: ebay - see below:

There were several AdWords for the keyword ebay (A total of six ads at the time). As you can see from these ads, all are from affiliates. This is indicated by affiliate or .ffil or .ff. after the ad text and is underlined in red in my example above.

None of these Affiliates have their own website. They simply place AdWord Ads and put their Affiliate ID in the URL. When someone clicks on the ad, it sends them straight to eBay, where the affiliate’s ID is recorded on the server. When the user registers with eBay, the Affiliate receives $5 in commissions.

As indicated, the market is already saturated for the keyword ebay, thus the Cost Per Click (CPC) rate would be high. Therefore, I did not consider it profitable to create an ad for the keyword: ebay.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Example 1 -

I often buy and sell items on eBay. While on their site, I noticed that offers $5 per registration to their affiliates, and $.05 for any bid coming from your affiliate link. In other words, an affiliate earns a $5 commission when someone fills out a free registration form. That sounded great!

I next conducted a search with the free Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool. This tool tells you how many times a keyword or phrase was searched for on Overture’s Search Engines during the previous month. This is useful in determining the popularity of particular keywords and particular markets. Google does not have this tool. Therefore Overture’s estimates can be applied to searches, for the same keyword, on Google’s Search Engines fairly accurately.I searched for the keyword: ebay. See the partial results below.

A complete Step-by-Step Example

In this Section, I would like to familiarize you with some of my profitable campaigns to illustrate what the process looks like from conception to profitability. I will give you step by step examples of some of my successful campaigns. You can follow along here and simultaneously review them online.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand all of the concepts right away. I cover everything in greater detail later on. The first example is an extremely simple program that I created. It consistently made around $350 a month in profit. This is a quick program that only took a few minutes to setup. It is a very small program with relatively small profits compared to my other campaigns. Things get much better! I am showing you a simple example to introduce you to the concepts.

Earn money from Ebay and Commission Junction.

Here is an Excellent opportunity to earn money from Internet without investing much. You can earn money upto 100$ -1000$ per month from any where.

Here are the actual Steps for Earning Money online....
1. You can join as affiliate to eBay, Amazon, Dell, GoDaddy, Apple Inc, and many popular websites.

2. You need to setup account with Commison Junction(cj) or Clickbank from where you can check your Earnings Online and you will get check from them Monthly.
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